26 parts Ongoing MatureIn a world overshadowed by the looming threat of war, Commander Finch Halet awakens daily to the harsh reality of training and strategy. Yet, every night, he escapes into a realm of dreams where a mysterious woman awaits him. With long, silky dark brown hair and enchanting doe-like eyes, she brings warmth and joy to his otherwise mundane existence.
In these lucid dreams, they share intimate moments in various enchanting settings-a cozy tavern, a sunlit field, and his favorite: lying beside her as dawn breaks, illuminating her serene features. Though she never speaks, her smiles and gentle kisses convey a deep connection that transcends the waking world.
As the impending battle draws closer, the commander finds solace in these nightly encounters, battling his growing anxiety with the fantasy of this ethereal woman. But as the lines between reality and dreams begin to blur, he must confront the significance of her presence in the real world and the emotions she stirs within him. Will he find the courage to pursue the love that exists only in his mind, or will the chaos of war and high society shatter his dreams forever?
Join him on a journey of longing, love, and discovery, where dreams and visions are the key to understanding the heart's deepest desires.