In a realm where gods and goddesses reign, Amara, a curious deity, finds herself ensnared in a web of betrayal and exile. When she crosses into the territory of another god, her sibling seizes the opportunity to betray her, framing her for a trespass she did not commit. Banished from her divine home, Amara is condemned to a solitary existence for a millennium, nursing the wounds of betrayal and the ache of loneliness. Isolated and haunted by memories of happier times, Amara's world is shattered when she discovers the truth behind her exile. Her sibling, whom she had believed to have fled in shame, was in fact cast out for attempting to bring her back. Realizing the depths of deception and manipulation that have torn their family apart, Amara must confront her sibling and the gods who orchestrated their downfall, seeking justice and redemption in a realm where even immortals can be brought to their knees by the weight of betrayal.All Rights Reserved
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