"Blooms of Betrayal" is a captivating tale of teenage romance and intrigue set in the UK. Valentina, a quiet, kind and unassuming new student at Akademi High, finds herself drawn to Asher, a popular and charismatic boy that seems to have eyes only for Cady - the epitome of popularity and beauty. As Valentina navigates the complexities of high school troubles and adolescent yearning, she leans on her loyal friends Winter and Musume for support. However, when a betrayal shakes the foundation of her friendships, Valentina must confront the true intentions and desires of those around her, leading to a riveting climax of love, deception, and the unexpected twists of teenage emotions. Will Valentina find her place amidst the chaos of teenage drama, or will the petals of her fragile relationship with Asher be scattered like wilting flowers in the wind?
4 parts