This is the AI-generated English rendition of a beloved Philippine fairy tale known as "Ibong Adarna," its full title being "Corrido and Life Lived by the Three Princes, children of King Fernando and Queen Valeriana in the Kingdom of Berbania." This tale is usually introduced to seventh graders in Philippine high schools. No one ever dared to tackle the translation of this poetic narrative into English, but thanks to AI, we, despite being poetry novices, have brought it to life, maintaining its creative and poetic essence and ensuring not a single stanza is added or taken away. Our translation is based on the original text, written in ancient Filipino, which can be found on the Project Gutenberg website. Please note that the original version differs from the expanded one found in textbooks, as evident in the total number of stanzas. Our aim is for this classic Philippine tale to be accessible worldwide, sparing international readers from relying on story summaries. In the poetic narrative, certain passages address the issue of slavery, particularly involving dark-skinned individuals. Recognising that such content is not acceptable within the AI tool we employ, we took the initiative to substitute these occurrences with a non-offensive term. Instead of directly using the term "negro," we opted to replace these occurrences with the Tagalog equivalent of "servant" prior to activating the AI tool for translation generation. For summary of each chapters, please visit the AO3 webpage of the story at I myself am a member of a group of enthusiasts called RoNerSim in AO3.
25 parts