This story unfolds in a dystopian version of the United States, where Donald J. Trump assumed the presidency in January 2025 after winning the November 2024 election. Following his inauguration, the administration swiftly enacted Project 2025 policies, beginning with a highly controversial promise: mass deportations.
Initially targeting Mexican immigrants, the administration soon expanded its agenda. Driven by a dangerous blend of authoritarianism and White nationalist ideologies, a new law mandated the deportation of all minorities, including Black Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asians, Hispanics, Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. In essence, anyone who did not trace their heritage to European origins faced removal. This policy, deeply rooted in racism and hate, aimed to restore what its proponents viewed as "lost" white dominance, purity, and unity.
The consequences, however, were far-reaching and devastating. While the United States descended into chaos, plagued by economic collapse and societal upheaval, the deported populations flourished. Finding solidarity and new opportunities abroad, they united to form a powerful global alliance, challenging the very nation that had cast them out.
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