The world of Lucius Dawn is one deeply scarred by a cataclysmic event known as "the tear," which occurred a thousand years ago. This catastrophic event unleashed a massive amount of energy called essence into the atmosphere, killing 96% of all life on Earth. The few survivors, whose bodies adapted to the essence, were left to rebuild humanity from the ashes. Over the centuries, they discovered the ruins of the El'an, an advanced ancient civilization, which became the cornerstone of their technological and cultivation advancements.
In the aftermath of the tear, humanity advanced significantly, partly by learning from their adversaries, the Aphyr. The Aphyr, an alien race, appeared 562 years after the tear, bringing with them superior technology and advanced cultivation techniques. Their arrival led to a series of relentless skirmishes, forcing humanity to develop floating cities, and other technological marvels. Despite this progress, the threat of the Aphyr loomed large, creating a society where might made right and the powerful often bent the rules.
Lucius Dawn is a 17-year-old who should have been an awakener, but failed to gain any powers. This failure marked him as an outcast in a society that prizes strength above all. His father, a level 4 space awakener, died a martyr in the war against the Aphyr, and his mother was brutally killed by a stray beast. These traumatic experiences plunged Lucius into deep depression. Despite his lack of essence, he trained relentlessly, hoping to become strong enough to protect humanity, driven by the memory of his parents' sacrifices.
The story explores themes of resilience, the struggle for survival, and the quest for power in a harsh, post-apocalyptic world. It delves into the emotional and psychological impact of loss and the drive to overcome insurmountable odds. Lucius' journey is one of self-discovery and transformation, as he navigates a world where the strong dictate the rules and the weak must find their place.
When jungkook awakened..he found in a novel world and had a become the villain, who was loathed by Male lead...
It's a novel story..and some of my thoughts
Taekook ff
Top tae
bottom kook
other ships
Past story
Age gap
innocent koo
dominant tae
alpha × omega
Warning ⚠️
if ur not comfortable then don't read it