In the heart of Solstice Paradigm Academy, a prestigious university known for its academic excellence, a series of mysterious deaths shocks the campus. Each victim, a prominent figure among students or faculty, meets a tragic end under suspicious circumstances. Amidst the chaos, Azyle Torres, a bright and ambitious freshman, arrives at Solstice with dreams of excelling in her studies. However, her keen intellect and insatiable curiosity lead her to notice peculiar details about the deaths that others overlook. Driven by a desire for justice and the truth, Azyle starts her own investigation into the murders, much to the dismay of the authorities and the fear of the perpetrator. As Azyle delves deeper into the dark underbelly of Solstice Paradigm Academy, she uncovers a web of secrets and conspiracies that threaten not only her safety but also the entire university community. Along the way, she forms unexpected alliances with fellow students and gains the trust of a few faculty members who share her determination to uncover the truth. Through twists and turns, Azyle navigates through academic rivalries, hidden agendas, and long-buried scandals. As she gets closer to unraveling the mystery, Azyle realizes that the key to solving the murders may lie in a long-kept secret that could shake the foundations of the Academy. In a race against time, Azyle must confront danger and betrayal, ultimately discovering that the truth comes with a price, one that may change her life and the academy forever.
8 parts