A sweet love story...
In the grand halls of royalty, where traditions reign and emotions are veiled, an Indian princess waits-a heart full of dreams, yearning for a love as timeless as her lineage. Across the seas, a Korean prince, untouched by the warmth of true affection, longs to discover a love he's only imagined.
When their worlds collide, their story becomes a symphony of grandeur-where every smile is a celebration, every tear a storm, and every moment a test of their loyalty. Bound by destiny yet divided by heritage, their love blooms amidst the extravagance of royalty, weaving through joy and heartbreak, betrayal and triumph.
Will their love defy the expectations of their worlds and etch their allegiance into eternity? The Blooming Allegiance is an epic tale of romance, courage, and the unyielding power of love that transcends borders and crowns.
An Indian girl named June goes to South Korea for her work. There she meets the one and only Hitman Bang! He falls for her at first sight. They both fall in love and decide to get married.
The whole Bighit comes to India for their wedding. But who knew that they all will find love in the same place?
(Wow! That was dumb. But the story is much better. This is gonna be a crackhead story. The female leads in this story are my close friends.)