Kenta Nakamura, an ordinary office worker with an extraordinary passion for construction, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable situation when a divine mistake ends his life prematurely. Struck by a bolt of lightning intended for a malevolent spirit, Kenta is transported to a realm between worlds where a remorseful god, Elysion, offers him a second chance at life. Reincarnated in a fantastical world brimming with magic and wonder, Kenta is granted a unique and powerful ability: the skill to build anything he can imagine with a simple word, "Build," and to fortify any structure or object with another word, "Reinforce." Armed with these extraordinary building skills, Kenta sets out to forge a new life and carve his own destiny. As Kenta navigates this new world, he uses his talents to construct everything from simple shelters to grand fortresses, attracting the attention of adventurers, settlers, and even royalty. With his creativity and determination, he begins to build not just structures but a thriving community, ultimately founding his own kingdom. Along the way, he encounters friends and foes, mystical creatures, and ancient secrets, all while striving to protect and expand his burgeoning realm. "In Another World With My Building Skills, And Made My Own Kingdom" is a tale of redemption, innovation, and the unyielding human spirit. Join Kenta as he transforms from a humble office worker into a legendary builder and king, crafting a legacy that will be remembered for ages.
55 parts