In the world of Demon Slayer, where the battle between humans and demons rages on, two formidable warriors, Sanemi Shinazugawa and Giyu Tomioka, stand on opposite sides. Sanemi, with his fiery hatred for demons, and Giyu, with his stoic determination, clash as rivals fueled by animosity.
Sanemi despises Giyu, seeing him as a symbol of everything he loathes about the demon-slaying world. Meanwhile, Giyu, though misunderstood by Sanemi, harbors a quiet desire to befriend him, recognizing the pain and trauma that drives his hostility.
Their encounters on the battlefield are fierce and intense, each striving to outdo the other in skill and determination. Yet, beneath the surface, there lingers a sense of respect, born from the acknowledgment of each other's strength and unwavering resolve.
As the war against demons escalates, their rivalry reaches its peak. They find themselves fighting side by side against overwhelming odds, their cooperation born not out of friendship but out of necessity. Through battles won and lost, they begin to understand each other, slowly chipping away at the walls of resentment between them.
It's during a pivotal moment in the war, as they stand shoulder to shoulder against a horde of demons, that something shifts between them. In the heat of battle, amidst the chaos and carnage, they find a flicker of camaraderie, a shared understanding that transcends their differences.
After the war's end, with the world finally at peace, Sanemi and Giyu embark on a journey of reconciliation. They come to realize that their rivalry was never truly fueled by hatred but by a mutual desire to protect the ones they love and honor the memories of those they've lost.
Sanemi is a player. He dates people for up to a month and then dumps them for another person, except that all changed when he met giyuu tomioka.
Giyuu is shinobus Adopted Brother. sabito and makomo are his best friends, and they both are dating.
Shinobu introduces sanemi, mitsuri, and iguro to giyuu, makomo, and sabito.
After they meet, iguro makes a bet with sanemi, that sanemi couldn't get giyuu to fall in love and date him within 2 months.
Little did they know that sanemi would end up falling in love with giyuu, giyuu, and also falling in love with sanemi.
Any recommendations will be gladly accepted, especially for chapter ideas:)
Lots of different ships.
Homophobic slurs.