As the new century begins, zombies take over the world. Dr. Javier, a pharmaceutical scientist who lost his family to murder, creates a capsule that turns people into zombies. At midnight, an explosion causes chaos. Helicopters arrive, but instead of helping, they drop zombies, starting the outbreak.
Maggie and her younger brother Charlie run away from home after their parents become zombies. Louis and Allie, skateboarders, escape from a skatepark during the outbreak. Eventually, Maggie meets Louis and Allie, and together, they try to accomplish their goals concerning their loved ones. Will they make it to the safe zone alive?
This story is an outcome of a drastically declining future. When humanity was completely lost and there was no one left on Earth taking care for it or others. Humans have become soo busy in their own lives that they have completely forgotten about others and even other lives on Earth. So many species are now extinct because of them and even though life is almost over we still not able to see the right thing. If we had seen things in the right way the right perspective we would've have alot to share and alot to give . We would've had inventions quite earlier the 22nd century but interestingly we were losing everything.....