In the fast paced world of NASCAR, a rivalry brews between rookie hotshot Y/N Trickle and veteran racer Rowdy Burns. When both of them are seriously injured in competition, the former bitter rivals become friends, after the crash between this two and become friends a new racer had appeared in a competition named Russ Wheeler At Tokyo a beautiful and popular Idol named Ai Hoshino who was very popular in Japan and she was the member of the B-Komachi group she had a ex-boyfriend that she broke up with was Hikaru Kamiki but as Ai was going to different places one of her fans was a stalker and was planning to kill Ai Meanwhile Y/N and his family decided to take a trip to tokyo for vacation, Y/N was watching a tv when he saw the B-Komachi group while he was watching the concert he starts to loved their songs and he was a fan of B-Komachi but his favorite was Ai Hoshino But then as Y/N was going to get an autograph from Ai he starts to have a feeling that Ai was being followed by her stalker and Y/N will protect Ai Hoshino from Hikaru Kamiki at all costsAll Rights Reserved
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