20 parts Complete MatureAs the narrative unfolds, we are introduced to Makayla, a young girl who sets out on a remarkable journey. Little does she know, she possesses extraordinary abilities that are about to be revealed. Along the way, Makayla crosses paths with a group of exceptional teenagers who possess supernatural powers, and they become her allies. However, Makayla soon realizes that her abilities extend far beyond what she initially believed. She discovers a profound connection between her powers and a long-lost ancient civilization, which holds the key to unlocking her true potential and unraveling the origins of her extraordinary gifts. Determined to uncover the secrets of this ancient civilization, Makayla and her supernatural companions embark on a perilous quest, braving treacherous challenges and encountering mythical creatures. In a surprising twist, they also discover that one of the supernatural teens shares the same ancient bloodline as Makayla, albeit with a different elemental power. But the story doesn't end there; there is much more to be revealed.