I automatically leave a story when it starts out, “i wuz 10 wen i fell in LOVEEE.” It literally burns my eyes to read something like that, so one time I asked a person why they would write like that and their answer was, “I’d rather get my story out there quickly and keep my fans interested than waste my time proofreading.”
You know what that tells me? That if you don’t have the time to simply spell out the whole word “when,” you probably don’t have the time to write a decent story with an intriguing plot and developed characters; if you don’t have those, you’ll lose you fans anyway.
Now, I know a lot of people really don’t know how to write so, I’ve made this guide to help out. I’ll be posting chapters on character and plot development, emotion/tone, setting, clichés, and whatever the heck else I can think of, but right now I’ll start with grammar and spelling.