"The Heart of a Harris" follows the tumultuous journey of three noble siblings, Francis, Albert, and Therese Harris, after the tragic loss of their parents at sea. Under the strict care of their uncle, Lord William Harris, Francis proves selfish and cruel; Albert follows suit to some extent; and Therese mourns in solitude, longing for her parents' warmth. Amidst their grief, the House of Harris forges an alliance with the powerful House of Robinson through Therese's arranged marriage to Richard Robinson. But Richard is cold and untrustworthy, and Therese spends her first few days at Robinson Manor alone and neglected. But over time, Richard starts to show more compassion for Therese; he finally acknowledges her suffering and promises to repair their damaged bond. Through Therese's resilience and Richard's unexpected transformation, "The Heart of a Harris" weaves a tale of duty, betrayal, and ultimately, the redemptive power of love and understanding.All Rights Reserved
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