This novel is a gripping young adult paranormal mystery series that follows the adventures of three teens-Celeste, Danielle, and Rocco-as they delve into the unexplained phenomena haunting their small town. Celeste, gifted with the ability to see and communicate with ghosts, often finds herself leading the group, while Rocco's bold and adventurous spirit, and Danielle's cold, logical approach create a dynamic and balanced team.
In their latest adventure, the trio encounters a series of increasingly dangerous supernatural events that point to a vengeful spirit with a deep connection to the town's history. As they struggle to unravel the mystery, they cross paths with Adrian, a charismatic and enigmatic newcomer whose intentions are far from clear. Although he offers valuable insights into the paranormal, his manipulative and gaslighting tactics sow seeds of doubt and discord among the friends.
Navigating a maze of cryptic symbols, ancient spells, and haunted locations, Celeste, Rocco, and Danielle must confront their own personal traumas and fears while uncovering the truth behind the malevolent force targeting them. As they dig deeper, they discover that the past is never truly dead and that the ties binding them together may be their greatest strength-or their ultimate downfall. ;)
You know her name. You know her story. You know her secret.
She isn't like any other girl, not anymore. Jared Walker complicated everything; he told her his secret, stole her heart and showed her a whole new world. She knew then that she'd never be the same again.
Ava Delaney is no longer human - she doesn't know what she is. She should probably figure it out. But there is much more important stuff that she needs to learn first: how to keep her new secret, how to fight and most importantly... how to survive a war that's older than time.
She's not like any other girl, not anymore.
* Please note that this is only a five chapter sample of the published book.