In a world where hope and despair collide, Y/N L/N, a young psychology prodigy, is selected to study at the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Psychologist. However, his first day at school takes a dark turn when he and his classmates are mysteriously trapped in a deadly game by Monokuma, a sinister bear mascot.
Now, Y/N and his colleagues must fight for survival in a series of sinister challenges, where betrayal and mystery lurk around every corner. With his behavioral analysis skills and his unwavering determination, Y/N becomes a key player in the search for the truth behind the disturbing events at Hope's Peak Academy.
[Male reader X Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc]
(Updates will probably be slow, so I'm sorry if it takes a while for chapters to come out. The cover art is not mine!).
[I do not own Danganronpa and its characters, all rights to the game and anime belong to Kazutaka Kodaka].