Some time ago after Super Mechagodzilla was destroyed, humanity created a new Anti-Kaiju Girl combat robot to defend against the potential threat of Kaiju Girls. But UNGCC and GDF plan on wiping out ALL of them. Their plan-b and solution was M.O.G.U.E.R.A., humanity's latest and mightiest anti-kaiju girl humanoid combat robot and new defender, modified from the wreckage of Super Mechagodzilla's remains. M.O.G.U.E.R.A. is locked, loaded and ready for action to defend humanity, but along the way he must also come to terms with the question of whether or not all the Kaiju Girls are really as rampant and destructive as some of his human superiors of the UNGCC and Global Defense Force believe, and if coexistence is possible. WARNING: Suggestive and mature themes. If you are under 18, you shouldn't be reading this story (Disclaimer: besides the humanoid M.O.G.U.E.R.A. art, I do not own any Kaiju Girl art you may see being used for the parts of this story. Neither do I own anything Godzilla related) Further note: If anyone wants to take this story and make something out of it of their own (literally anything), feel free. I don't really care, and hell, you can even use my art and concept of Mecha Boy M.O.G.U.E.R.A. if you please and can even make art of him in your own style, however, DO NOT try to claim my original art of him as your own.
8 parts