In the aftermath of tragedy during the second Wizarding War, Beatrice Prewett finds herself trapped in a web of darkness. With her parents, Gideon Prewett and Marlene McKinnon executed by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov and herself kidnapped, Beatrice is forced into a somber existence within the walls of an isolated palace. Secluded and abused, the only thing keeping her company is a measley wand and a never ending collection of defense against the dark arts novels, her innocence giving way to a cunning and sadistic streak. Beatrice then sold into ransom to finance Antonin Dolohov upon his release from Azkaban, taken into the care of her aunt Molly Weasley, Beatrice's tumultuous journey takes an unexpected turn as she enters Hogwarts. Sorted into Gryffindor like her parents, Beatrice's behavior raises eyebrows; her cunning and sadistic tendencies more akin to Slytherin. In a world of cold disdain and twisted schemes, Beatrice grows a seething hatred towards Draco Malfoy and they find themselves locked in a battle of wits and wills. Their rivalry simmers with hidden tension, a seething hatred for eachother that blurs the lines between forbidden and desire. But as they dance on the precipice of love and loathing, their fate hangs in the balance, uncertain if their story ends in fiery passion or bitter betrayal remains a mystery, hanging precariously in the balance. Disclaimer: The story line and all characters apart from Beatrice Prewett do not belong to me. All credits go to J.K Rowling.All Rights Reserved