Somewhere on Earth, A meteor landed in a open field in the middle of a forest at night and shook the Earth's ground on impact. Alerting a town that was a few miles down from it. Many people called 9-1-1 about the light that came down from the sky and disappeared into the trees. After some time, the police arrived at the forest and went searching for the strange light that landed in the area. They split up to cover more ground quicker. That's when a cop stumbled across the open field, noticing the crater that held the meteor. He went over to it with his flashlight and climbed into the crater. Seeing this 'thing' made a pit form in his stomach. The cop got too curious and reached his hand out to touch it. Suddenly it cracked open, releasing some kind of gas. It made him go into a coughing storm. The gas burning his lungs, but as he was too busy coughing, a black liquidity substance crawled out of it and attached itself to the cop without the policeman noticing. Wonder what will happen next? Read and you will see. (Venom will be reader in this book)Todos los derechos reservados
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