In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, five celestial beings known as The Great Five decree a deadly tournament between planets , Earth's legendary warriors and the fiercest champions of the distant planet Miran. Resurrected from the annals of history by an ancient and secretive Japanese family, eight extraordinary individuals are brought back to life, each bearing unique powers and skills.
As the warriors prepare for a battle that will determine the fate of both planets, they must overcome personal demons and the manipulation of their celestial overseers. Bound by a powerful scroll that enforces their loyalty, these revenants must fight not only for survival but for a chance to reclaim their humanity. The tournament promises ultimate power to the victor, but the true test lies in their ability to unite and fight for a common cause.
"Revenants" is a tale of resurrection, redemption, and the relentless struggle for survival against the whims of divine beings who gamble with the lives of entire worlds.