(So just wanted to do this along with a another book coming soon and stuff so hope you enjoy this I don't own One Piece or the pics) In this back then Vegapunk was Ordered to make the Very First Seraphim(Before Pacifista Series) it was then he was to use someone from the past which case Vegapunk thought it wise to use someone who had a Void Century Fruit someone who was killed for knowing information about it which she was known as a Monster a Titan a Devil a Fiend and etc when he made her she was A Ruthless and cold and killed without hesitation she only listened to Vegapunk or any of his Parts which case things seemed fine until she started showing emotion that the One she was based off of she later soon got more and more Heartless as she cared little only to protect Vegapunk and his other sides but one day something happened and she was told to go away as Vegapunk told her that she would forget about them until she shows back up on Egghead Island then she will remember all of it as she refused but Vegapunk gave a Order code as she Acknowledged as she flew away years later people are saying a ghost has come she destroys both Pirates and Marines without remorse and Mercy what happens with her will the World Government be able to stop her or will a Pirate Crew have her Join them...........All Rights Reserved