Voldemort had almost succeded, he had almost ended Harry Potter in their Final Fight in Hogwarts, only for the effects of the Prophecy to kick in and losing Nagini, and with her, his last Horcrux, severely weakened, he lost the battle and Disintigrated, instead of facing eternal Limbo however, he woke up in a place he was all to familiar with, in a place before he became Lord Voldemort, greatest of Dark Wizards, before he became Tom Marvolo Riddle, he woke up in the Forest of Forever Fall, he woke up in Remnant and now he has a second Chance to build his reighn, he will rebuild his army and make sure that no one will oppose him. RWBY and Harry Potter are owned by Rooster Teeth (I still hate you for ruining a good show) and J.K.Rowling (I Love you for creating a fan favorite story) respectively.Todos os Direitos Reservados
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