Detective Grace Lockwood, a veteran investigator renowned for her unyielding pursuit of justice, is thrust into her most harrowing case yet. A series of brutal killings terrorizes her quiet town, each victim found with eerie symbols that point to an underground cult. As Grace delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers a sinister network operating in the shadows, its roots far more entrenched in the community than she could have imagined.
Grace's emotions are tested as the case dredges up painful memories and fears. The victims' connections to her own life grow increasingly personal, causing her to question her instincts and the very foundation of her moral compass. The deeper she goes, the more she realizes that the cult's influence reaches into corners of her world she once thought safe.
Every clue brings Grace closer to a truth that shakes her resolve. Her commitment to justice wavers as she faces manipulation, betrayal, and the threat of losing everything she holds dear. The investigation becomes a battle not just against the cult, but against her own inner demons.
In a heart-stopping climax, Grace finally uncovers the mastermind behind the killings. The revelation forces her to confront the darkest parts of herself and make a choice between vengeance and justice. Her ultimate decision will define her legacy and determine the future of those she swore to protect.
Grace Lockwood's journey is one of resilience, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of truth, no matter the cost.
Elisa is on the run from her parents' past, and the rucksack full of secrets that she carries is key to protecting her estranged brothers from an unseen enemy.
Entrusted with secrets from her family's past, Elisa West has been on the run for half of her life. She's always kept people at a distance, jumping from foster home to foster home, and now she's landed with her biological family. Her brothers haven't seen her since she was a toddler, and don't know what to make of the strange closed-off teenager or her secrets. But when she finally opens up about murder, scientists, and dangerous experiments, it becomes evident that Elisa hasn't just come home to reunite with her family. She's come back to destroy the terrible legacy that haunts them.
(Book One of The Roses of Forever Series)
#1 in Missing- 15/11/20
#1 in clues- 12/08/20
#1 in familyissues- 14/08/20
#2 in missingparents- 23/08/20
#1 in familymystery- 27/08/20
#2 in sister and brothers- 28/09/20
#1 in sadness- 17/02/21
#1 in familyproblems- 6/05/21
#1 in clues- 06/02/22
Cover designed by Holly Thurston