*Dramatically whips around in chair*
I'm not the best at updating but I swear I will get better!
There will be spelling and grammar errors! I'm only human (Or am I? DUN DUN DUN!)
Now then... Onto talking about the story like a normal person rather then making up excuses for bad writing.
Journeys is about Journey (see what I did there?) and her journey. She has somehow forgot. What did she forget you might wonder, the answer is EVERYTHING!!!!!! (MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *clears throat ok I'm done now.) Journey wants to remember but doesn't know how, can you figure it out?
Sorry I'm so crazy here! I've been planning to write this for months, I think since before Christmas (It's April...). I might cut into the book a lot with random comments (LIKE THIS!) because I always find those fun to add in, and read.