Formed during the 'War to Take Back the Planet', the Diamond Cutters are an elite anti-Eggman team comprised of mercenaries who are dedicated to combating Dr. Eggman's armies. Operating in secrecy, the team struck swiftly against the doctor's advances, effectively turning the tides of the war wherever they deployed. While their achievements in the field were usually mistaken as the work of the Resistance, the team never seemed to mind, as it kept them anonymous, and in turn, away from Eggman's immediate line of sight.
The team is composed of six highly specialised members, with each being skilled in a particular field. Smithy, the crafter and de facto leader, provided the team with cutting-edge equipment and mission objectives. Claire, the Psy-op, served as the team's tactician, handling psychological interrogations as well as devising escape routes during missions. Slinger, the marksman, excelled in precision shooting, taking out enemies from a distance with unmatched accuracy. Mimic, the infiltrator, used his shapeshifting abilities to blend in, gather intelligence, and sabotage enemy operations. Whisper, the scout, remained on the outskirts of mission areas, using her long-range capabilities to incapacitate enemy reinforcements. Y/N, the close-quarters combat specialist, is usually at the centre of the fighting, drawing enemy fire while quickly devising strategies on the fly and protecting his team without hesitation.
Suddenly, the hanger door slams shut, its sudden closure reverberating through the entire room. As the team turns to inspect the sudden noise, they are startled as they notice all the pods around them beginning to open, revealing dark figures with crimson eyes.
(???): "We're sealed in!"
(???) "MIMIC! WHERE ARE YOU!"All Rights Reserved