In a world plagued by darkness and demons, Raiden, a young boy born on a stormy night and blessed with the mark of the Storm and Sun Gods, faces an unimaginable tragedy that shatters his peaceful life. At fourteen, Raiden witnesses the brutal murder of his parents and unborn sibling by a merciless demon. Fueled by grief and rage, he vows to become a demon slayer, dedicated to avenging his family and protecting humanity from the monstrous scourge. "Storm of Vengeance: The Rise of Raiden" follows the harrowing journey of a boy transformed by loss into a fierce warrior. As Raiden harnesses the power of his unique Dense Water Breathing and Black Lightning techniques, he battles formidable foes and uncovers hidden truths about his lineage. Alongside the Kamado siblings, Tanjiro and Nezuko, Raiden confronts the malevolent forces threatening his world, striving to fulfill his vow of vengeance and restore peace. Join Raiden as he navigates the perilous path of a demon slayer, where every battle is a test of strength, resolve, and the unbreakable bonds of family and friendship. Will he succeed in vanquishing the demons and honoring his family's legacy, or will the darkness consume him? Dive into this gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of justiceAll Rights Reserved
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