In a world where ancient deities still wield their power through dark agents, "Godborn: Heir of Thunder" follows Nightstalker, an elite assassin who carries out the will of the old gods with ruthless precision. For years, he has been nothing more than a tool, executing their deadly commands without question. But now, his mission takes an unexpected turn.
For the first time, Nightstalker is tasked not with killing, but with finding and protecting a young godborn-a child of Zeus-hidden away in the backwoods of Michigan. Sent to a seemingly unremarkable small town, he must conceal his deadly nature and integrate into mortal society, posing as a high school student.
As he navigates the unfamiliar terrain of teenage life and small-town dynamics, Nightstalker quickly realizes that the town harbors dark secrets. People go missing, the locals are gripped by fear and suspicion, and the air is thick with malevolent magic. Curses and evil forces are at play, and the closer Nightstalker gets to the truth, the more perilous his mission becomes.
In "Godborn: Heir of Thunder," Nightstalker must unravel the town's mysteries, confront his own haunting past, and outmaneuver the dangerous entities hunting the child of Zeus. Balancing his deadly skills with the need for secrecy, he faces a race against time to uncover and protect the godborn before they fall into the wrong hands.