Mia finds herself transported into the world of "Macross Delta," an anime series she's watched countless times. Frustrated by the disappointing ending of the show, Mia often dreams of how she could have rewritten it for a more satisfying conclusion. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she's struck by a truck one day after school and wakes up in an unfamiliar location. Now, Mia must navigate the challenges of living in a world she once only experienced through her screen, all while grappling with the realization that she may have the opportunity to rewrite the ending of her favorite anime series. Join Mia on an adventure filled with action, romance, and the chance to shape her own destiny in the world of "Macross Delta." Will she be able to create the perfect ending she's always dreamed of, or will her newfound reality prove to be more complicated than she ever imagined? "Disclaimer: This story contains mature themes and content intended for readers aged 18 and above. Reader discretion is advised. The narrative is inspired by the anime *Macross Delta*, incorporating elements of its art, music, and storyline. While the majority of characters and plot belong to the original creators, the character "Mia" or "Luna" is my own creation, and certain aspects of the storyline are original."
33 parts