An unusual roommate, a forgotten identity, and a teenage twink in red and blue spandex.
What happens when Spider-Man's kindness, smarts and vigilante antics land him in the crosshairs of the Avengers, in more ways than one.
Harley Keener comes to visit the tower for a month or more. He gets immediately jealous of Peter because he is so close to Mr Stark and he stages a scene where it seems like Peter has bullied him and hurt him because he (Peter) is jealous of him (Harley).
Harley gets to decide Peter's punishment after the incident and Peter ends up not allowed to be Spider-Man and grounded for the reminder of Harley's stay at the Tower. Which was many months.
At this tense moment, Thor and Loki, who was Peter's blood brother arrives from Asgard and tried to make things better for Peter. It does not work out.
Harley took over being Spider-Man as the 'Golden Spider'. Civilians still missed the old Spidey and because of this Harley hates Peter and constantly bullies him. Then HYDRA attacked and Peter helped in the battle even though he wasn't allowed to. Harley got mad and mocked Peter for 'stealing his spotlight'. At this point Loki has had enough. He attacks Harley only to make things worse for Peter since Mr Stark has seen what happened, just the way Harley wanted him to. Peter was thrown out into the streets after Loki had to return to Asgard for a trail of attacking a minor in Midgard.
What would Peter do?