Wondering what awards are open? What about the status of that awards you entered three months ago? Is that even still happening? Well, lucky for you, I've done the work, so you don't have to. Within these pages are awards that have been active within the past six months, organized alphabetically, with dates of entry deadlines, judging windows, expected results announcements, and latest updates from the organizers.
Or maybe you're looking for a graphics designer to make the perfect cover for you. Or you'd like to dress your profile up with a fancy bio, but you don't know where to start. I've got you covered with lists of shops I've stumbled across that cater to everything you need.
This will always be a work in progress. If I've missed something, or you'd like me to add a new chapter, drop me a message on my profile, and I'll look into it.
It all started with some heartbroken past only to find each other. They know the can't fall in love but they do. How do they deal with the problems of the universe all at once? Enemies, portals, and kids are part of life in this world and only the strong can survive. Will they survive?