In the world of jujutsu sorcery, where light and darkness constantly clash, an unexpected and forbidden bond forms between two seemingly irreconcilable souls. Megumi Fushiguro, a dedicated young sorcerer, and Ryomen Sukuna, the fearsome King of Curses, find themselves drawn to each other by an inexplicable force.
As their clandestine encounters grow more frequent, they navigate the complexities of their dangerous world, discovering a connection that transcends their roles as enemies. Their relationship blossoms into a profound and passionate love, defying the very essence of their existence.
Together, they face formidable challenges, from deadly curses to the oppressive threat of discovery. Their journey is a testament to the power of love, as they strive to break the curse that binds Sukuna, seeking a future where they can be together without fear.
"Forbidden Shadows" is a tale of romance and resilience, where two hearts find solace and strength in each other amidst the shadows of their pasts. Through trials and triumphs, Megumi and Sukuna's love shines brightly, illuminating the path to a new dawn filled with hope and promise.
Zoro was the first one to join luffys crew.
From that time to now zoro has admired luffy for his personality and strength. But as he traveled With luffy throughout the years he felt something warm inside his heart every time luffy talked or was even close to him. Does zoro have feelings for luffy, and if he does will he express
Those feelings?