'What are you?'
'To define is to limit.'
- Oscar Wilde
To be honest, it terrifies me the way we are labelling one another with all sort of traits such as introvert, extrovert, ambivert and more to come soon! I mean it is okay to distinguish or even categorize in terms of sociology and et cetera but what's not okay is when we tend to confine people's ability based on their personality.
That's exactly when "judgment" comes into play when someone else tends to have a say on what's best for you and what's not just based on your personality traits.
Whether that's in a career setting, social, relationship or any sort of human interactions, it is evidently happening all over you right now! But I believe it's time where we need to break this social segregation that's happening worldwide based on personality types.
Let me give you a prime example at a workplace (real-life scenario):