In a world ravaged by darkness, a glimmer of hope emerges. The Aurora Initiative, a secretive organization, has been working in the shadows to bring about a new enlightenment era. They aim to harness the aurora Borealis power and unleash a new dawn on humanity. As the last remnants of the old world crumble, a diverse group of individuals must band together to ensure the success of the Aurora Initiative. From the brilliant scientist who holds the key to unlocking the aurora's secrets, to the charismatic leader who must unite the factions, each character plays a crucial role in shaping the future. But as the stakes grow higher, so do the challenges. Powerful forces seek to extinguish the aurora's light, and the Initiative's members must confront their demons to save the world from eternal darkness. Will the Aurora Initiative succeed in bringing about a new dawn, or will the forces of darkness prevail?
13 parts