In a small town, childhood friends Noah and Lily shared an unbreakable bond, supported by Noah's family after Lily's mother became a single parent. As they grew older, Noah confessed his love, but Lily, eager to explore beyond their town, couldn't reciprocate. She left for high school, forgetting Noah over time, while he clung to memories, hoping she'd return.
Tragedy struck when Noah's mother passed away, plunging him into depression. Lily returned to comfort him, but Noah, unable to face her, asked for time to heal alone. With a heavy heart, Lily left, understanding that Noah needed to find his own path to happiness.
Three years ago, a terrible accident happened. The aftermath of the tragedy changed their lives forever.
She went to Paris and found herself. He went to New York and lost himself. Although they never spoke again, they never forgot one another.
But after three years, Noah and Amy find themselves living next door for one last summer. What happens when someone from their past resurfaces and haunts them, forcing them to work together over and over again? And most importantly, can someone truly forget their first love?
One last summer of elitist parties, extravagant dresses, indie rock music and late-night drives. One last summer of true friendships, unrequited loves and childhood dreams. And maybe, it's one last summer to fall in love again.
cover by the very talented @thepeacefuloblivion