The three kings, rulers of the vampire kind, have waited over three thousand years to find their true mate, the one who will keep them all sane and together. After all this time, the waiting is finally over.
But what will Eleanor Swan, Isabella Swan's older sister, think when she learns about the supernatural and the three ancient vampire kings that claim to be her soulmates?
Haunted by her past relationship Eleanor grew skittish. Afraid of men, afraid of love, afraid of commitment, afraid to open up again, afraid to get hurt. To sum it up: Eleanor Swan's ex boyfriend left her utterly afraid of basically anything and anyone.
Will Eleanor learn to trust and to love again? To open up to strange men, who seem to look at her like she hung the moon and the stars? How will the kings react, finding out that their one true mate, they waited so long for, has been so hurt, she can barely stand to be in the same room with them?
Amalia is Bella Swans older sister. Other than bella, she had been staying with her father for most of her life. She always was a pretty outgoing person, that however had changed immensely after she lived in Italy for nearly a year and a half. No one really knows what had happened back than, but ever since than she had become nearly a shadow of herself. But how else should she move on from her broken heart?
Another thing no one knows about her, is that she is really gifted. Not only can she manipulate the elements but she also has visions. With times she also has learned to show others and how to hide her own thoughts within her mind.
When the Cullens have left, Bella just like herself had gone heartbroken.
But what will happen when Alice reapers to safe her brother Edward?
Is Amalia going to help? Even though she has to return to Volterra once again?