"When Tanya Shergill ,a spirited college student, finds herself trapped in a forced marriage to the city's most renowned surgeon, Dr. Aditya Singh, her life takes an unexpected turn. Beneath Aditya's polished exterior lies a web of secrets, including a covert involvement with the mafia known only to his closest confidant. Both reluctant to marry, Tanya and Aditya are thrust into a world of hidden agendas and simmering tensions...
As Tanya battles her family's rejection and struggles to find her place in Aditya's enigmatic world, she uncovers layers of his hidden life that draw them closer yet threaten to tear them apart. Aditya, accustomed to control and secrecy, finds his carefully constructed walls crumbling in the face of Tanya's innocence and resilience.
Their journey is fraught with misunderstandings, dangerous enemies, and a budding romance that neither of them anticipated. With danger lurking at every corner and emotions running high, Tanya and Aditya must navigate their new reality, finding love and trust in the most unlikely of circumstances.
Will they overcome their differences and the shadows of Aditya's secret life, or will the dangers and deceptions consume them both?