70 parts Complete In the mystical realm where supernatural beings and ethereal creatures reign, there exists a powerful and enigmatic figure known as Taehyung. As the sovereign of this otherworldly domain, Taehyung possesses unrivaled authority and an aura of mystery that shrouds him in legend. His rule is marked by an equilibrium between the forces of light and darkness, and his realm teems with fantastical wonders beyond mortal comprehension.
Yet, beneath his regal exterior and ethereal beauty lies a profound sorrow that has haunted him for centuries. Taehyung's heart is eternally bound to a love lost to the inexorable passage of time, a lover who met an untimely end in the human world. Despite his immortal existence, he finds himself unable to let go of the memories and the promise of a love that transcends death itself.
As the eons pass, Taehyung's yearning for his departed lover intensifies. He watches over the realm with an unwavering gaze, but his thoughts are never far from the one he longs to reunite with. In "Eternal Shadows," the tale of Taehyung, the King of the Supernatural Realm, unfolds as a mesmerizing saga of love, longing, and the eternal quest to bridge the chasm between the worlds of the living and the dead.