Warning contains S.A related contents S.A ( Smexual Assult ) If you are not familiar with what the term SA means... Read at your own risk AU story where Lucifer Dies while fighting Adam and Charlie Is left heartbroken... They barely make It out alive and Adam gets away with the Satisfaction of killing Lucifer but plans to return to kill Charlie to... but she has a plan herself and Upon his Arrival Charlie set a trap for him In a desperate attempt to get revenge but It fails and Adam attacks Charlie taking her as a personer Vaggie and the gang are forced to watch the horrors go down as he destroys the hotel before taking Charlie with him and a whole new horror begins when she becomes his new toy In many different ways making her suffer. sera begs him to stop It and let her go but he refuses to listen to her and Continues. it's now up to Vaggie to save Charlie and she needs to do It fast before the worse happens to... even lute Is not sure about what Adam Is doing she feels he's going too far and begs him herself to stop This... but he doesn't... what will happen to Charlie next? will Adam finally kill her or will Vaggie save her before he dose...