In a world where omegas are deemed insignificant, Harry Potter, an Omega, is kept hidden from Hogwarts by his parents. Instead of receiving his letter like his siblings, Harry is subjected to a cruel fate-trained to be the perfect wife, a euphemism for a pet or a whore in his family's eyes. Lily's desperate attempt to secure Harry's future leads to an unexpected engagement, thrusting Harry into a dark and twisted world where his only hope lies in an unlikely ally, Tom Riddle. As their paths intertwine, Harry must navigate treacherous waters of duty, betrayal, and forbidden desires, all while struggling to break free from the chains of his predetermined fate.
Sierra is about to turn 18 and she and her wolf have decided that if Angus the son of the Alpha is still her mate they will reject him. He ignored the mate pull and has screwed anything that moves.
It is worse than she thought and in the end she makes the decision to leave the pack. What she finds is so much better, but something has been waiting for her and now they are coming to claim what they believe is theirs.
I've just re edited this book as of 8 Feb 2021. Hope it helps 😊
(warning there is a reference to rape. Please do not read if it will harmful or be a trigger)