In a world where omegas are deemed insignificant, Harry Potter, an Omega, is kept hidden from Hogwarts by his parents. Instead of receiving his letter like his siblings, Harry is subjected to a cruel fate-trained to be the perfect wife, a euphemism for a pet or a whore in his family's eyes. Lily's desperate attempt to secure Harry's future leads to an unexpected engagement, thrusting Harry into a dark and twisted world where his only hope lies in an unlikely ally, Tom Riddle. As their paths intertwine, Harry must navigate treacherous waters of duty, betrayal, and forbidden desires, all while struggling to break free from the chains of his predetermined fate.
This story is about two boys who after the war become lovers; after having secret crushes on each other even since second and third year. But little do they know that they have hidden creature-blood inside of them.
Join them both on a thrilling adventure with a lot of drama, betrayal, re-unions, swapping sides and sad parts.
This story contains a huge emotional rollercoaster ride for the characters and you reading this book.
Bad dumbledore
Veelas and Nekos
Voldemort is also called Tom riddle in this story so imagine him as a human looking older version of Tom riddle.