Everyone always assumes all D's act the same way. or stereotypically anyway.
D's were always known for being the devil's reincarnate.
D's were always known for being insane idiots.
D's were always known for their appetites.
but they never really stopped to think,
was every 'D' this way? no.
Take Trafalgar D. Water Law for example, he is much different than most D's the world has met. he still had some similar traits, but was mostly the Odd one out in a topic for the 'D' clan.
but that's not the point, Everyone knows the famous middle initial of 'D'.
but there was something off about the initial.
Question yourself this. How many females in the entire world have 'D' as their middle names?
We have seen Male 'D's throughout the world, but rarely has anyone seen a female carrier of the 'D'.
Nefertari Vivi, the princess of Arabasta, is basically the only known female 'D' that is alive.
Another thing worth noticing is that the desert princess never really acted like any of the other fellow 'D's.
so do female 'D' carriers have different personalities?
Do female 'D' clan members have different personalities than the rest of the world?
Were there only a few females for a reason?
Well then, lets see what difference this makes with two other female D's in this insane world.
What new groups have rised? What new professions have started? What new adventures await?
A new story begins with just this tiny change, let's see just what misadventures have begun with new sisters emerging from out of no where at all.
Shifting the course of reality is one thing, but these two new individuals will cause WAY more rifts than necessary...
(this is basically something I've decided to write about lol, I got some OC's and I need a story for them. There are also some stuff I added for fun cause I just thought 'why not?'. Lots of changes are made, I'm sure you will find them interesting! At least, I hope-)
Discontinued story! atleast here it is, it will be continued on Ao3!
(First book in the Seven Journals Series)
Mabel's Choice,
Dipper's a Ghost,
Bipper is here.
But what happens when Bill is knocked out of Dippers' body?
What if Bill gets back?
One minute of doubt.
Welcome to the Journals.
You'll enjoy it.
If you leave here alive.
Note: In Editing Stage
Disclaimer: I obviously only own this story. Not the GF characters. Those, my Friends, belong to Alex Hirsch