"In this heartwarming tale, Wei Ying and LAN Zhan's journey takes a tender turn. As they parts ways, Wei Ying grapples with his emotions, only to be surprised by Lan Zhan's unexpected confession. With their love blossoming, they must navigate thier feelings amidst the challenges of thier world.
Join them on a poignant adventure of love, growth, and self- discovery."
Please know that this story is just my weird imagination and nothing more, the character's has nothing to do with the real ones.
Story of the two life love, fate brought them together again, but will Lan Zhan and Wei Ying able to recognize each-other in a new life?
Doctor Xiao Zhan is suffering from weird dreams and longing for someone almost his whole life, until the man from his dreams suddenly appears in front of him but does stranger have same feelings for Zhan?
WangXian and Yizhan story, some parts and personalities based on the drama and novel, rest is only my imagination. contains angst
pics and arts used in the story doesn't belongs to me.
start : 23.06.2020