Type: Light novel
Author: Ramón H. Guiardinú
First edition: December 2023
Publisher: Editorial Lafirma
Copyright © 2023 Ramón H. Guiardinú
All rights reserved. Under the sanctions established in the legal system, the total or partial reproduction of this work by any means or procedure, including reprography and computer processing, is strictly prohibited without the written authorization of the copyright holders.
Smart, beautiful, and diligent, the model student is secretly obsessed with a boy she constantly stalks. Logic and good sense, but above all, willpower, have helped Rebeka to give herself her place and be as perfect as adults want her to be. Until time runs out and she comes of age.
Society will no longer be able to stop her from achieving what she sets out to achieve, by any means necessary.
Romance, tragedy, juvenile, discrimination, erotica, fantasy, bisexual, bisexual curiosities
#emotions #romance #fantasy #reflection #stalking #love #camming #exhibitionist #psychopath #relationships #toxic #drama #mature #blood #death
Book available all over the place, just look for it if you happen to want a physical copy, I personally recommend you get in on amazon.
Pages: 326
Country: United States.
Audio Book available in YouTube for free.All Rights Reserved