The Prestigious Sakuraoka Academy, renowned to nurturing the brightest minds, with these students possessing exceptional intellect and potential . However, this school is not without its challenges. Despite the brilliance that fills its halls, the academy grapples with a significant presence of delinquents among its student body. Within these hallowing halls, you'll find a juxtaposition of extraordinary intelligence and rebellious spirits. These delinquents possess exceptional cognitive abilities but often channel their energy into unconventional pursuits. They challenge the status quo, question authority, and exhibit a rebellious streak that sets them apart from their peers.
Ultimately Sakuraoka Academy, serves as a melting pot of intellect, fostering an atmosphere where the smartest minds and most spirited individuals can come together come together, challenging convention, pushing boundaries, and shaping the future in their own unique ways...
Or so they thought,
You and your classmates? Wake up, to find yourselves in a school. Similarly, to Sakuraoka? Prior to this. You are called Ultimate? You and your fellow classmates. All specialize in a certain field and are good at what you do. Unbeknownst, to you and your classmates what awaits them is a game that is sure to bring anyone to the edge of murder and despair, and traumatize them. But, who knows?
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