In a present-day idyllic kingdom, the benevolent teenaged son of King Beast and Queen Belle is poised to take the throne. His first proclamation: offer a chance at redemption to the trouble-making offspring of Cruella, Maleficent, the Evil Queen, and Jafar who have been imprisoned on a forbidden island with all the other villains, sidekicks, evil step-mothers and step-sisters. These villainous descendants (Carlos, Malinda, Mal, Evie, and Jay, respectively) are allowed into the kingdom to attend prep school alongside the offspring of iconic heroes, including Fairy Godmother, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Mulan. However, the evil teens face a dilemma. Should they follow in their nefarious parents' footsteps and help all the villains regain power, or embrace their innate goodness and save the kingdom?
Five people get selected to go to Auradon Prep what will happen as they are on a mission. To get the wand fairy godmothers wand so the Isle of the lost can be free again. As all the villains are on that island with a barrier around it. So what will happen.
Harry hook will not be in this book but he will be in the second and third book but Harry and Hayden (the son of Hades) are friends so are Uma and Gil but they will then learn that they like each other or so love each other.