This slice-of-life story follows Koba Yuuzuki, a twenty-year-old, who's the son of an accomplished assassin. With the age of 21 right around the corner, Koba is forced to make a choice: Live a normal life or give up the idea of normalcy to become an assassin like his father. Though the decision seemed like a no-brainer for Koba- his parents thought it would be best for him to experience what exactly normalcy is in the first place, so that he'd truly understand the gravity of the decision he's making. Now, Koba, who's been sheltered for most of his life, is being thrust into a society that is foreign to him. He now lives with his mother in the illustrious city, of Yunizaru- Home to everything you can dream of, good and bad. With one year to make his decision will Koga choose to live a life parallel to his father's? Will he, like his mother, decide that sometimes normal is better- or will he forge a new path entirely?
3 parts