From the ashes, they shall rise. Doomed to fall apart, their story written in the stars. To love is to burn.
Elizabeth was never a good person. That is not how she was raised, the curses and raised hands made sure that she was porcelain statue, unbending, unfeeling. She knew no love, she knew no comfort, she only knew power. Elizabeth was intelligent, the smartest witch of her time, but her brain was backed by her immense magical abilities, and no one would stop her from achieving greatness.
Tom Riddle was evil. From the start, he paid no mind to those he felt were inferior to him. He was above everyone, and he knew it. His intelligence partnered with his power led him to crave greatness. Tom has never known love, or comfort, so he found solace in the cruelty that surrounds him.
Two children, two people, two monsters. both striving to be the greatest, crossing paths, will they combine to make greatness together, or will they collide and bring destruction to everything in their path.
You know the story of Harry Potter. Or so you thought...
What if the Prophecy was tampered with. It changed and left out the most crucial details: The one who will find the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. Born as the seventh month dies. The Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord has lost. In order for both of them to live, the boy must bring back the love. She is the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord.
They just need to find the "love" which seems easy, right?
It would have been if it wasn't for the fact that she vanished into thin air one night years ago. Her part was forgotten by many. But for some, it was only the beginning.