Astolyis, a world filled with bloodshed and brutality, but where peace and harmony can also prosper.
Kingdoms are present, ruling over their respective lands. Islands filled with monsters, seas filled with danger, and forests filled with mythical beasts.
Shin Ryujin, a human living in an isolated kingdom hidden behind forests, finds herself going through a series of events that would forever alter her life.
Along with her sister, Shin Yuna, and her best friend, Lee Chaeryeong, she dives headfirst into the world beyond her kingdom, finding both happiness and despair. Bloodshed and peace. Brutality and tranquility.
There, she meets someone who would go on to become the world to her. Someone who would give her the world if she wanted.
She encounters mythical monsters, carnivorous plants, living lands, conscious waters.
She meets people that would forever make her life better, but she gains knowledge that will change her view on the kingdoms reining the lands that make up the world of Astolyis.
This is the story of Shin Ryujin and many others, the ones who will start a new of era of Astolyis.
Warnings: Contains sexual content, graphic depictions of violence, death, etc.