>Extraordinary you Genre:Romance , comedy, crime line Chapters:16 Language:Tagalog When to upload?: Wednesday, Thursday CHARACTERS Sasha Deyn(Dana's best friend who is secretly loves Gabriel) Dana Evans (Gabriel's gf) Gabriel Cromwell ( Dana's bf) Harris Santiago ( Gabriel's friend who fake his friendship with gabriel and harris is one of the son who has a bad temper with gabriel's father) LOCATION:CLASSIFIED TIME:CLASSIFIED SUMMARY : Gabriel is a son of a big company who is also involved in crucial crimes and corruptions as his dad went to prison Gabriel's life is in big trouble so he hid hes life as a begar/poorman ,he met Dana at his lowest and help him on his high school life they began to express they truly feel after hearing that sasha became jealous of dana , sasha and harris became close and expose Gabriel's life to the campus and socialmedia Gabriel hide in a place who no one knows and he called it a safe house. After being expose big company took dana as related to Gabriel , He saved her but replaced her place as a slave/victim to the company which his dad framed.All Rights Reserved